Workers who have been injured on the job may be entitled to compensation and treatment for their injuries. In California, most companies are required to maintain worker’s compensation policies for their employees; these insurance policies cover the worker in the event of a workplace accident, injury or a condition caused by employment. If you have been injured on the job, it can impact more than just your ability to work; it can wreak havoc on your health, well being and finances and even damage your emotional health and well being.
What is Worker’s Compensation Insurance?This form of insurance coverage is designed to help you, the employee, after you have been injured at work. While the goal of this coverage is to provide payment for your medical costs and associated expenses, companies don’t always follow through as they should. If you have been injured on the job, you may need a medical expenses attorney to receive the benefits you are entitled to.
What Types of Injuries are Covered?Injures and accidents that happen on the job, as a result of your employer’s lack of preparation or negligence are covered by worker’s compensation insurance. Some typical injuries include (but are not limited to):
When you are injured on the job, your medical expenses, from surgery to doctors’ fees and equipment should be covered. Worker’s compensation should also cover your transportation and lodging costs incurred as you seek treatment. A Workers’ Compensation lawyer may be able to help injured workers obtain Medical, surgical, chiropractic, acupuncture, and hospital treatment, including nursing, medicines, medical and surgical supplies, crutches, and apparatuses, including orthotic and prosthetic devices and services, that is reasonably required to cure or relieve the injured worker from the effects of his or her injury, at the expense of the employer. California Employers generally must maintain a policy of Workers’ Compensation insurance to secure the payment of compensation, unless they are permissibly uninsured (bonded) or legally uninsured (e.g. the State of California).
A Work Comp lawyer may assist in the case of the employer’s neglect or refusal reasonably to provide medical treatment. A lawyer may be able to provide advice regarding expenses incurred by or on behalf of the employee in providing treatment.
A Workers’ Compensation lawyer may be able to help find a doctor in a medical provider network, or help determine whether the employee may be treated by a physician, chiropractor, or acupuncturist of his or her own choice or at a facility of his or her own choice within a reasonable geographic area.
A Workers’ Compensation lawyer may be able to help pursue, in addition to compensation benefits, all reasonable expenses of transportation, meals, and lodging incident to reporting for the medical-legal examinations, together with one day of temporary disability indemnity for each day of wages lost in submitting to the medical-legal examination.
For medical-legal examinations and treating physician appointments, if the employee does not proficiently speak or understand the English language, a Workers’ Compensation lawyer may be able to obtain the services of a qualified interpreter at the expense of the employer.
A Workers’ Compensation lawyer may be able to help obtain Home health care services provided as medical treatment if reasonably required to cure or relieve the injured employee from the effects of his or her injury and prescribed by a licensed physician and surgeon.
If you have been injured and your employer or insurer is not providing the benefits they are supposed to, we can help. Our team fights hard for your rights and we understand how even a seemingly minor injury can derail your life and impact your financial future. Contact us for help with your workers’ compensation needs and to talk about your specific case.